Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yoga Mat

My mat. Usually it is a source of pride, a badge I wear to show the world I am going to or coming home from class. I carry this burdensome prop because I am a pro. Well a semi pro yogi. Lets be real, my mat only cost $11 at tj maxx.

Today, this pesky prop, as I will now call it, embarrassed, no ...absolutely mortified me. I brought it into a court room. I had to... I thought I had to. I mean where else could I leave it in a court house in nyc. A stranded yoga mat in the land of "see something, say something" the prospect of that was worse than carrying my burden into the court room. So I did, mid-trial... The court officer looked at me sideways, strolled over and said this, in what I think might have been a flirty/embarrassed for me kind of tone, "why is there a yoga mat in my courtroom?" To which I simply replied, well I am dropping this order to show cause off with the clerk before I head home today. he rolled his eyes and told me to take a seat and wait for the trial/hearing whatever it was to end before approaching.

so after speaking to the clerk, I waited outside to see if I made it into the calendar for tomorrow... The officer came out again to ask who I was and why I had a yoga mat... Seriously, like lawyers can't also have extracurricular lifestyle-altering goals. I should have taken the opportunity to explain my challenge. I explained myself and awaited the judges decision on the order.

So anyway, on to practice. Tonight was day 4, I am now twice as far along as I was last week when I had to pause. and I have surpassed my previous best by twice as much. This was a physically challenging class for me. I don't know if I was under- hydrated or hungry, but I was light headed and quick hearted in a way that I haven't experienced in a very long time. The instructor seemed to pick up on this, or maybe she was having an equally wonky day, but she mentioned during class that today is a full moon day and that her practice today was also slightly unbalanced. By the time I got to floor series I had already sat out two postures and done the final standing pose totally half assed.

I literally prayed my way through floor series. And cherished every savasanna like it was a full night's sleep. I somehow made it through, almost threw up during camel, but made it through.

On my way home now, feeling refreshed and actually kind of laughing to myself about my day. Heh, full moons... Like a were wolf, except instead of getting real hairy and eating people, I just terrorize court rooms. Oh, did I mention that I would like to one day be a judge, oh, well I do. I guess this story will be one I look back on and laugh at my inexperienced young lawyer self.


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