Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The hilarious realization of wind removing posture

The first floor series posture is, as it turns out aptly named "wind removing posture." With your knees first individually and then together pulled into your chest, I always assumed, and have until tonight always experienced, the wind removed through my breath. The instructor normally mentions the colon, but I always considered that a side note, never a main event of the posture, which puts severe pressure on my hips and compression in my abdomen.

Tonight, I believe I discovered the true intentions of wind removing. thank god I spent all that time learning to listen to my body. Otherwise things could have gotten real. I dont think I ate anything particularly wind inducing, but I'll be, if there wasn't a credible threat of a wind-removing attack from the less ideal end. I wish I was more embarrassed as I write this, I might be if I hadn't paid attention to the warning signs, but the crisis was averted, and I giggled like a baby as I slowly released the pose.

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