Monday, October 3, 2011

The Beginning

I started doing bikram one day because I had an itch. I'd been hearing about it for years and countless friends had told me that I would love it. Well, as it is, I had a vacation day back in early May, the beginning of what would be the muggiest summer I've experienced in NYC. That memorial day, with nothing else to do and a bug up my butt, I walked into the bikram studio warily, joked with the front desk woman about my novice status - yes, I work out, yes I run and I spin and I've done yoga before. No, I've never done bikram - and suited up to sweat.

Well, after the class, I was cajoled into getting the first month package. I really didn't want it. I felt sick. I felt nauseous and oh my god was I a sweaty mess. I would soon learn that the more hydrated you are the more you sweat, so that day was nothing.

Great, now I had an unlimited month. Great. What had I done? All I knew was I was going to get my money's worth, by golly.

The next day I bought a mat, and after work I went back. Cheap -not quite commited to yoga - mat in hand I set up in the room, changed into my still slightly damp shorts from the day before and psyched myself up for another 90 minutes in the 105 degree/40% humidity room. The second day was not better.

I skipped a day, but I went back that Thursday. My third class was amazing. I felt strong, I felt limber and I felt skinny. I had a really great third class and from that day on I was hooked.

In my first month doing bikram I noticed changes in my body and my mind. Aside from the vanity of actually being leaner and losing inches on my waist and hips, I even grew a half an inch - I swear it-- and I'm not short to start with, well aside from that, I felt better. I was happier and more confident. Please understand, I have always had a sunny disposition, but like anyone I got down once in awhile, this almost completely irradicated that.

I have now been practicing bikram yoga for 5 months. It is with an open mind and some hesitation that I set out on this 30 day challenge. I am both looking forward to this and dreading it. Let's see what happens.

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