Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing Favorites

Doing this challenge is no joke! My body sometimes forgets up from down and it is constantly telling my mind that it has no idea what it is talking about

I used to have favorite poses, because I was good at them. Alot of people dread camel pose because it is a really deep back bend and it makes you kind of nauseous. I love it, usually. Backward bends are where I am most naturally flexible. A teacher recently told me, well a class, that you are either flexible or strong and you have to practice the other one. For the most part I am strong.

So, what I was saying about my mind body disconnect, all of a sudden today I was doing standing head to knee. For months I have been laying a foundation and today I got my second leg straight! What an unexpected, but very welcome accomplishment. Fast forward to camel and I thought my stomach was in my throat and my eyes couldn't focus on anything and with the sweat dripping down my nose I am pretty sure I was water boarding myself. Sometimes I feel like I am breathing in pool water.

So I do play favorites with the poses. But apparently so does my body. I tell myself I love camel and instead I get complimented on my triangle, I remind myself how good I am at fixed firm, but that is the class that I master standing bow. My body has different plans for me. I guess moving forward I will just let it do the talking for those 90 minutes.


  1. omg, 90 minutes of yoga a day? My classes are only 75 minutes, and I feel like that extra 15 minutes in a sweaty room would make a huge difference.

  2. I totally agree with the "sometimes i feel like im water boarding myself comment" there has to be a better way!? Sometimes I choke on my own sweat in class too and its distracting when it drips into your eyes. Good work though on standing head to knee
