I rarely see the sun rise. It's just something I don't enjoy all that much. There were a couple days back when I first moved to New York, and before the novelty of 4 a.m. last call wore off, when I would get in the subway when it was dark and come out of the subway when it was day time. This always threw me off, I still never really saw day break because I was underground.
Well, with this challenge, I'm waking up before the sun - and what they say about it being darkest before the dawn, that is really true. I wanted to make some sort of metaphor to go along with it, about how my life is in this transition between night and day, but that is kind of a stretch and I don't mean it metaphorically, I mean it literally. It was dark and chilly and rainy on that bike ride and the sun didn't even come up until after I got to class! I don't think your body can actually wake up when the sun is not out. I know I went to class and I know I kept telling myself to "practice in the moment" (see last post)... but I have only a vague dream-like recollection of the 7:00 a.m. class I took yesterday. Morning classes... all so I can still enjoy dodgeball after work! I really love dodgeball. I wish I was better at it. Look at these tangents.
So, someone stole my light off my bike. I'm kind of bummed about this because I really need them if I'm going to be riding in the morning. I need to know that cars can see me. It's kind of my own fault. I left it on the bike and realized it at the subway on my way to work. I debated going back to my house, but was already late to work and reasoned that there was a good chance nothing would happen. My bike is locked up in front of my apartment, but behind a gate. Anyway, I lost that gamble. I am really only sharing this as a human interest story - one of those "New York's Neediest Cases" -- so if you want to donate a tail light, I'll take it. In fact, I will give it back when I'm done with the challenge, I am sure that my before dawn bike rides will slow down substantially once this is over. Shameless. shameless...
hahahaha, shameless!