Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Disappearing Act

Hello my darling readers. I appreciate your attention, I do. I only wish that I could provide you with as much entertainment as you truly deserve. 

I mentioned recently that I might start a new challenge. I went 7 days in a row, and then stopped. I am back in the studio but can't find the motivation to stay in the studio. I'm sad. I'm really sad lately and part of me thinks that yoga will help, while another part of me thinks that yoga will just distract me from the feeling and once I stop I'll be worse for the wear.

I'm sad because I'm single again... well, I'm not sad because I'm single. I don't have a problem with being unattached. I'm sad because the person I'm no longer with was a really great person. He was the kind of person I wanted to be in a relationship with. I got into yoga to be happier, to love me so much that I wouldn't need a relationship to feel loved and it worked. And then this relationship just happened, and this relationship worked, and it could have worked for so many different reasons, but I really thought it was because I dedicated myself to finding this lasting and fulfilling relationship. So, now that we broke up and that relationship didn't work, it just kind of feels like maybe I failed. So, I'm sad. And, I'm having a really hard time getting past the sad. 

When I'm in the studio, I feel that fine, but that is only 90 minutes a day. And it feels like something is missing the rest of the time. 

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