Wednesday, March 14, 2012

She with the biggest bush...

I had a moment tonight, after class, when I was in the locker room, trying with all my might not stare at the woman with the bush. I laughed out loud a little at the thought I had, that it is inevitable that the woman who is gratuitously naked will always have the biggest bush. It's as if not shaving... ever... has given this woman some sort of complete body security. "Look everyone, look upon me as I stand here unnecessarily naked for like 20 minutes while I go through my routine as if I'm in the privacy of my own bedroom." Deal with it bitches.

There are also the girls who are completely the opposite of this woman, who I find equally as annoying, if not much less offensive. There is really no need for you to take up a bathroom stall while you change into or out of your yoga clothes. Sometimes people actually need to use the seat for something other than pulling up their pants over their sweaty legs. 

So, listen up ladies, a little bit of locker room etiquette, if you will. It is totally ok to be naked at some point. It is expected and will go unnoticed. Please do not go to great lengths to hide your naked body, as it tends to only draw more attention to you... and please, for the love of all that is holy, please put a towel around your waist while you lotion up your legs and q-tip your ears. 

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