Yesterday, I woke up at 5:15, brushed my teeth, looked at myself in the mirror and thought... I don't want to go this morning. Then in a further attempt to justify missing the morning class, I told myself that since dodgeball (yes, I play dodgeball - you didn't know this about me?) is so late, I'd have too much time between work and play. So, I'd go to yoga after work. Perfect. Decision made and justified.
Anyway, I went back to sleep and woke up in time for work. I got to the train with time to spare, things are lookin good. And, wouldn't you know it, there was a sick passenger on the train in front of mine. We were stuck in the tunnel, but not for too long. I was early/on time. No problemo.
After work I headed downtown to get to class. I usually leave work at 5:45 for a 6:30 class, and this leaves me way more than enough time to get dressed and find a primo spot. At the transfer to the L train (oooo, damn you L train), due to an "earlier incident, trains were running slowly." Well, the trains weren't actually running slowly, they were running like shit. Each one was literally filled to the brim. People were packed in so tightly that it didn't matter if you held onto something or not, you couldn't move/fall down if you tried. I had to let 3 trains pass just before I was close enough to the front of the masses to be pushed onto the train - you know, instead of boarding it like a human being....
I rushed to the studio from the train, only to find a locked door with a full class of people enjoying pranyama breathing. well, ok, so yoga wasn't meant to be a part of my day yesterday.
I did however play my best game ever at dodgeball! It was epic. I caught the ball twice and I popped the ball up once for another one of my teammates to catch it. Our team went 3 and 1 and we felt good about it.
So, I went to yoga this morning. And that has set the tone for this day.
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